Our News

Latest news about the work of the Turner Kirk Trust

An archive of all the Trust’s news stories, interviews and media coverage

Turner Kirk Trust launches new fellowship at Isaac Newton Institute to support female mathematicians

The Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellowship programme, hosted at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, has been launched to support under-represented groups within higher mathematical research.

“What is the Isaac Newton Institute?” — Interview with Dr. Ewan Kirk

Our co-founder Ewan Kirk talks about his work at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences and his passion for supporting fundamental mathematics research.

Interview: Ewan Kirk on research, philanthropy and visiting fellowships at the Isaac Newton Institute

Our co-founder, Ewan Kirk, gives an interview on his approach to philanthropy, fundamental mathematics research, and the importance of supporting underrepresented groups in mathematics.

Ewan Kirk and Patricia Turner provide £5 million gift to establish Cantab Capital Institute

A brand-new centre for fundamental mathematics research is to be established in Cambridge after £5 million donation from the Turner Kirk Trust to the University of Cambridge.