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Sprint Challenge in review: 6 months later

Last year, the Turner Kirk Trust launched the Sprint Challenge in partnership with Imperial College London to fund research to find innovative ways to tackle conservation challenges..

Ewan Kirk speaks at Resource Alliance’s International Fundraising Congress

Turner Kirk Trust founder Ewan Kirk appears at masterclass on ‘Philanthopy and major donors’ at the Resource Alliance’s 2023 International Fundraising Congress via pre-recorded video interview
Ewan Kirk, Founder of the Turner Kirk Trust

Understanding the mantra — Permission to Fail

Permission to Fail is a concept developed at the Turner Kirk Trust to encourage smart risk-taking, innovation, and learning, and to change how non-profit organisations view failure. This article discusses in depth what this mantra means for the Turner Kirk Trust.
An image of Elree Winnett Seelig

TKT Podcast — CCI Turner Fellow Elree Winnett Seelig & Dr Mike Maunder

In the first episode of the Turner Kirk Trust podcast, Elree Winnett Seelig, the inaugural Turner Fellow at the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI), sits down with Dr Maunder Maunder, the CCI's Executive Director, to discuss her work during her Fellowship.