News archive


Dr. Ewan Kirk interviewed by Computing

Our Founder and Director, Dr. Ewan Kirk, was recently interviewed by Penny Horwood, Associate Editor at Computing.
Ewan Kirk, Founder of the Turner Kirk Trust

Understanding the mantra — Permission to Fail

Permission to Fail is a concept developed at the Turner Kirk Trust to encourage smart risk-taking, innovation, and learning, and to change how non-profit organisations view failure. This article discusses in depth what this mantra means for the Turner Kirk Trust.

Speaking with the CCIMI – “Fundamental mathematics provides the critical expertise to solve the challenges of the future”

We recently spoke with the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information (CCIMI) about their projects and research.

Video interview with Brave Mhonie, SolarAid – “We exist to make sure that everyone has access to quality light”

We interviewed Brave Mhonie, the General Manager of SolarAid’s operations in Malawi.